Sparkfun GSM/GPRS SM5100b shield on a Diavolino

I have decided to return the SM5100B evaluation board since I am instead using the SM5100B cellular shield. This is because I was not really going to use any of the interface pins of the SM5100B module broken out on the eval board. One useful thing about the shield (that I wasn’t expecting) is that it is able to reset the cellular module using the on board reset button similar to the eval board.


The Diavolino board here is running without any AVR 328 mega chip plugged into it, and has the 2.5mm x 5.5mm power barrel socket for the 5V 3A regulated power supply from EvilMadScience.

Diavolino hosting a GSM/GPRS shield

Meanwhile although I can receive TCP data on the SM5100B modem over GPRS I still haven’t been able to successfully confirm transmission of data.